City and County of San Francisco Office of Contract Administration Purchasing Division City Hall, Room 430City and County of San Francisco Office of Contract Administration Purchasing Division City Hall, Room 430
Delete the recital paragraph if this contract falls under an exception to the rfp rule, such as if this contract is a sole source contract or it is for an amount less than $110,000.]
169.76 Kb. 3
Application for Classification of a computer gameApplication for Classification of a computer game
You must complete all 8 steps of this form, and applicable Attachments
78.46 Kb. 1
Department ofDepartment of
Note: This Handbook is to be used in conjunction with the course syllabi for Field Experiences
97.4 Kb. 1
Members presentMembers present
Members present: Caleb G. Putnam, Chairman; Adam M. Byrne, Secretary; Rick Brigham, Lathe Claflin, Phil Chu, Jim Dawe, Louie Dombroski, Skye Haas, and Brad Murphy
54.92 Kb. 1
Color & Film BibliographyColor & Film Bibliography
Women were found to use more words to describe color than men. An interaction effect among gender and age was found for the number of tertiary level words used
48.19 Kb. 1
Aba section of Intellectual Property LawAba section of Intellectual Property Law
Annual Meeting, but the program was not selected. The Committee is providing case reports in its area for the Annual Review. The Committee also outlined topics for a planned practical guide on software inventions and patents for engineers and
419.52 Kb. 7


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